- Professional styling advice
- Professional styling advice
- 30 days free return policy
- Professional styling advice
- Always free shipping
- 30 days return policy free of charge
Trade Terms and Conditions
The minimum order amount for an opening order is €1.500 for all resellers within the European Union.
For resellers with a delivery address within the European Union a minimum order amount of €500,- is required for repeat orders.
For resellers outside of the European Union a mandatory order minimum applies of €2.000,- on all orders.
All of our product prices are EX WorksNETHERLANDS & BELGIUM
No transportation costs will be calculated for shipments starting at €500,
For shipments less then €500,- we charge €47,50 per shipment.
We can offer competitive prices for door to door deliveries by cargo truck, for most European countries.
These costs are based on the destination and the total order amount.
In the check-out of our website these transportation costs are being calculated once you have confirmed your delivery address details.
Transport quotes can be provided on the basis of CIF deliveries, up to the port closest to the delivery address.
Not included are: costs to clear the order from vessel or aircraft upon arrival to its destination, import taxes nor the transport from the port to the final delivery address.
Additional transport costs may be invoiced when unforeseen shipment exceptions are required to make the final delivery.
All orders must be paid prior to delivery.Payment can be made throughout the links provided in the email with the (proforma) invoice attached or directly online in the check-out.
Payment throughout bank transfer is also possible.
In case you pay by bank transfer your customer number should be added as the reference of your payment.
Our bank details are:
Rabobank (The Netherlands)
IBAN: NL30 RABO 0348 0779 04
Account holder: Pols Potten B.V.
VAT number NL009557738B01
Chamber of Commerce 34068325
A damage risk of 2% applies to each delivery.Claims should be reported to POLSPOTTEN within 8 working days after the receipt of the goods, accompanied by digital pictures.
NB. Before signing for receipt of deliveries, please check that there is no visible damage to the exterior of the packaging.
Should you notice any type of damage to the boxes or plastic wrap, be certain to make a written note of this when signing the drivers proof of delivery and to preferably take a picture before unwrapping it.
A charge of €100,- will be applied for drawing up additional documents besides the commercial invoice and packing slip.Cancellations
Orders, which have been confirmed by email or signed for at a trade fair, are subject to a 30% cancellation penalty.Recommended Retail Price (RRP)
Our recommended retail prices (RRP) are available on our website in the footer, as well as on the product detail pages of our products. Our RRP counts as the minimum value for which our products should be offered on the market.Additional conditions for Webshop retailers
Only items which you carry in stock are allowed to be featured on your webshop.All our packaging is based on pallet transportation, therefore not all individual packaging is drop proof.
Keep in mind that you will need to repack it for safe delivery to the end destination.
Offering our products throughout another online platform other than your own Webshop, is not permitted.